We Play, You Dance.

Buy Prescription Tramadol Without We are classical and classically trained musicians. A Fulbright Scholar, a Berklee School of Music grad, a Master and a Doctor in Music. Each one of us has a story. A classical one. Interesting enough, what brings us together is Tango. Not Bach, Beethoven, or Mozart. Instead it’s Piazzolla, Moreno, Pugliese. go to link




follow We play, you dance. We play, we dance. We’re having fun, we’re relaxed. We’re there to have a good time and see you have a good time. We are not being critiqued or reviewed by “those” people (yea…”those” who can’t but have no trouble telling you how it’s done). There’s wine, conversation, laughter, applause, camaraderie. It’s a magical thing to be able to do something so free. No judgement. Tramadol Purchase Overnight Being a professional musician is hard emotionally. You are constantly being judged. Dare you make a mistake. Tango people are some of the most passionate and crazy people I know, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. I finally feel free to be my musical self in a world that seems to not like that kind of freedom. A world who strives for the unattainable impossible musical perfection. https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/31xgw7r Tango is a beautiful world to be a part of and I am so lucky to have met some of the best people in it, people whom I call my family. Tango has given me so much and I am forever indebted.

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