My student recital

I want to write a few words (more like gush) about my students. I don’t do it often (ever) and it’s a long time coming. I never thought I would be the teacher who got all teary eyed after a student performance so I was caught off guard when things started stirring a little bit. For those of you who have studied with me and know me, Continue Reading This Post

Getting back to practice

I had back surgery October 13th, 2010.  I’ve never broken a bone, twisted or sprained an ankle, or cut myself so horribly that it had left a scar.  Nothing.  I have been blessed with being unharmed and healthy my entire life. But then I herniated my disc to the point of rupture and fragmentation which with such enthusiasm it decided to torment the root of my nerve. I have never felt such pain and yet I refused to go to the doctor cause I couldn’t believe there was anything wrong with me.  Boy was I in for a surprise. Four months later I had surgery.  The reason I bring this up is because I have not practiced, seriously, since my last concert at the Kennedy Center on September 11th.
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